Homemade cooking is not simply a norm. It is a preferred lifestyle (for many households).
Preparing your breakfast is not just practical. You can, by all means, make yummy, enticing foods. But you do not have to sacrifice nutrition.
Let's say, for instance, this gluten-free recipe that will create easy, delicious pancakes. This recipe called "Easy Gluten-Free Rice Pancakes" (courtesy of USA Rice/Think Rice) brings a dose of complex carbohydrates necessary for building energy. And it is oh so simple to create. All you have to prepare are a few of your staple foods in your kitchen. That would include your brown rice (at least one-and-a-half cup) and one-half cup of quinoa.
Below is a list of ingredients that you will need:
1 1/2 cups brown rice
1/2 cup quinoa
2 cups water
1 ripe pear or apple, cored and chopped
2 tbsp hemp hearts
2 tbsp coconut sugar
pinch cinnamon
pinch sea salt
1/2 tsp coconut oil
Cooking Instructions:
Prepare rice and quinoa a night before you will make your pancakes. Rinse them separately.
In separate containers (or jars), you can soak quinoa and rice in water. Leave them overnight.
Put quinoa and rice in a blender with the soaked water.
Then, put the pear or apple (that you have prepared chopped) along with the two tablespoons of hemp hearts and two tablespoons of coconut sugar.
Then, add some sea salt and cinnamon. Blend until you see it's smooth enough.
You can then put some coconut oil in a medium-sized cooking pot to heat. Put it on medium-to-high heat.
Now, you can put some amounts of pancake-sized mixture into the pan.
Wait until you see that both sides (and the middle part) turn golden brown. That would ensure that the pancake is well cooked.