For many people, rice has become a staple in the kitchen.
True enough, any person can make rice a go-to food every day. That would depend on one's culture and tradition.
If you have made rice a staple in your kitchen, you must know, at the very least, a single way or so to cook rice.
You may cook rice the usual way. You may use a rice cooker. Or you may put rice in a pot (using the cooktop method).
Cooking may challenge anyone's creativity. One may be surprised to know, however, that there are several ways to prepare the best rice for anyone.
There is no absolute rule that can apply in making a food recipe, for example. One can always try to adjust a recipe's list of ingredients, including spices. And that is to satisfy one's taste and craving.
At such a point, what if you could learn another way to enjoy rice even more?
Have you tried the idea of toasting rice? If not, would you ever try it?
The following video (courtesy of USA Rice) gives you an idea about why you should try such an approach and how to make the most of your rice.
In the long run, toasting rice can help you achieve that savoury, nuttier flavour!
So that answers it all! Try it soon!